Hello there! Here I am, at 6:15 PM on my day off having a nice cup of tea and listening to what sounds like some of Oasis’s songs on the radio. Can’t complain though, the view from the new place (recently moved :)) is pretty nice, summer, on the other hand, seems to have slowly faded away in the Emerald Island and we are now back to sub 15 C temperatures. By the way as suggested by One Million Journey on my previous post Update #002 - May 2021 I’m using google docs for writing the post so let's see how it goes this time.
A few weeks ago, while I was doing my regular dividends check in my Google sheets I noticed something that caught my attention. Several of the dividends that I had recorded seemed to have been shrinking since I started receiving them. This was shocking to say the least, so I decided to write down my findings here for posterity :). Enjoy!