Hello hello! Here we are deeping our toes in the second half of 2021, closing second quarter of the year and most importantly the month of my birthday! Yay! Summer in Ireland seems to be slowly but surely fading away, which makes me pretty sad to be honest. Thinking about winter again is not particularly exciting xD. But I am not here to rant about crappy Irish weather (although I just did and may keep doing), I'm here to bring you updates regarding my path towards financial freedom.
The way towards Financial Freedom is a bumpy one, but June's part was pretty smooth :). A record month for passive income, record month for dividends and some good changes in the P2P portfolio, so despite how much I love it, I can't complain. Also to add to the mix I finally finished reading "The little book that beats the market", although as more of the financial classics is a bit dated it has very clear content and easy to digest, totally recommend it.
Without further ado, here we go!