Saturday, January 15, 2022

Yearly summary - 2021

Hello how long!!! Here I am, ready to do a review of my 2021, see which of my goals I achieved and which I didn't and also to rant a bit about other stuff. Also was thinking about including some highlights of 2021 and set the new goals for 2022.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Update #009 - December 2021

Hello how long! It's me again, still reporting from the scorching southern hemisphere survining almost 40 Celcius right now! Things can get really hot down here in summer xD. Oh, man I missed this weather, it hasn't rained once in almost 3 weeks now. That said, I got a very serious sunburn I'm still recoverying from because of going for a walk between 10am and 2pm. I did wore some suncream but I clearly lost the technic to apply it properly xD, so now I'm peeling off like a snake literally. For the first time in a long long time, I managed to really disconnect myself from work, which was an amazing feeling. Need to achieve that more often, but without the need of having to travel to the oppossite hemispfere xD, otherwise is hardly viable.

Financially wise December, despite my negative predictions HERE, was pretty good :). This was caused by both lower than usual expenses and good passive income levels. The P2P platforms finally broke the €40 barrier I was so looking forward to (hard to tell whether that will be sustained though) and my beloved dividends did pretty good as well.

Enough with the pep talk :), lets get to the numbers!

Update #012 - March 2022